Instytut Matematyki

Kolejny sukces Koła Naukowego OMEGA

Studentki II roku studiów magisterskich (dziś już absolwentki) prowadziły badania dot. powszechnego nauczania na odległość zorganizowanego wiosną 2020. Pod opieką dr Katarzyny Chmielewskiej powstał artykuł naukowy pt. "Are We Ready For Distance Learning?", a zawarte w nim wyniki badań naszych studentek zostały zaprezentowane na międzynarodowej konferencji 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications.


Contemporary education is no longer a 45-minute
lesson, but a process of continuous improvement lasting 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week. Students participate in the education
process everywhere they are and all the time. New educational
technologies support them in these processes.
The current pandemic situation all around the world has added
an additional dimension to these issues. Suddenly millions of
children and adolescents have been forced into distance learning.
How prepared were they for that process, how prepared were the
teachers? This article answers the questions presenting results of
our research conducted among hundreds of university students
and school pupils in Poland.